Reboot, reset

I dislike leaving this blog neglected for weeks at a time, but it has just been one of those months. One minute I was looking at the calendar thinking, “it’s almost October! My favorite month!” and the next, I’m looking at it thinking, “How can it be almost November?!” It was a month of meetings... Continue Reading →

“Train where you’re at” #thisis50plus

Words of wisdom from ultramarathoner/vegan endurance athlete Rich Roll (who turns 51 this month), quoted this week in Outside Magazine (online): As you age, you will get incrementally slower. That’s just the way it is. So, it’s not about measuring yourself against any other person or what you used to be. You’ve got to train... Continue Reading →

#thisis50plus / Lake Ontario edition

This month, 58-year old American open water swimmer Elizabeth Fry became the second-oldest person to swim across Lake Ontario, a distance of 32.1 miles. She completed the swim in an unofficial time of 15 hours, 46 minutes - fueled on energy gel and... cookies? Fry entered the water shortly after midnight and faced average water... Continue Reading →

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