Shameless fundraiser plug

This week I got the "all clear" on my mammogram and regular six-month check-up with the oncology team, and am officially released from the breast cancer follow-up protocol. That means, by insurance standards, I am a "survivor." 🙂 I am so grateful for the access I had to excellent medical personnel and services throughout, and... Continue Reading →

“Being outdoors, acting like a kid is the joy of life” #rolemodels #thisisover50 #50forteprofiles

I met Suez Jacobson when I sat (briefly) on the board of directors for Great Old Broads for Wilderness, at the same time she did. We bonded immediately over our shared commitment to wilderness preservation, writing, outdoor sports, teaching, and hand-written letters. When I started thinking of “everyday athletes” in my circles that I would... Continue Reading →

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