Another random act of blogging…

(Cover image borrowed from here; covered by creative commons license.)

Sometimes, not breaking one’s personal best is a good thing: I didn’t let four months pass between posts! First a quick update, and then I’ll share some goodies…

Me and my patient running companion.

Safe to say I’ve had a lot of false starts over the last few years in my journey to reclaim some lost fitness. Juggling – no, bobbling is more like it – a job, seminary, and pastoral internship, and then starting a new call as the pastor of a church 40 miles from home has presented some time- and energy-management challenges. But I will get it figured out!

I didn’t get to the point where I could try a 10K this spring, as I had hoped, but I did put my money where my mouth is: I signed up for the Towpath Half Marathon, which takes place in October, and then I signed up for a training plan from RunnersConnect. I hate wasting money, so that motivation alone should drive me to the starting line! So far, though there have been scheduling hick-ups, I’m sticking pretty close to the plan, and feeling good after my walk/run outings.

OK, on to the links I’ve been saving up…

Role models! 75-year old Gene Dykes ran the 12-hour Dawn to Dusk to Dawn track race in Pennsylvania last month and set 7 masters records in the process: 25 kilometers (2:48:33), 30 kilometers (3:24:08), 50 kilometers (5:40:39), 20 miles (3:41:28), 50 miles (9:25:10), and 100 kilometers (11:56:26). And he set the men’s 75-79 year record for distance covered in 12 hours: 100,481 meters.

And hey! My “little” brother is turning into a role model, too! We’ll have a “blogcast” conversation soon, to tell you more, but in the last year and a half, starting on his 54th birthday, he’s lost 70 pounds AND started seriously weight-lifting. In fact, he’s gotten himself a bit addicted to it. He was profiled recently in the Dayton Daily News, in a story that also featured his beloved gym; here’s page 1 and page 2 (PDFs). Dave was a super-skinny kid and young adult, and then gradually gained an unhealthy amount of weight over about 20 years. He’ll tell us about his wake-up call when we talk. And I’ll take the opportunity to tease him again (it’s what older sisters do, right?) about how often I told him I thought he would love weight-lifting. You’re ready when you’re ready, right? We’re all proud of him.

Cousin Bob Neeley is a good fitness-over-50 role model, too! I introduced him not long after I started this blog (2017?!). Bob is getting ready to run an Ironman as a relay teammate for his friend Tim (age 73!). Tim will handle the swimming and biking segments. Bob will handle the run! You can follow his progress on Instagram (@therunzombierun) or on his blog, 30 Races.

Miscellany! Some other stuff I’ve been saving…

British actress Joan Collins, who turned 90 recently!, is alleged to have said she never drinks diet sodas because “you never see skinny people drinking them.” (Photo borrowed from somewhere on “the google.”)

As I mentioned above, life has grown more complicated since I took a pastoral call at a church 40 miles from home. And instead of kicking my Diet Coke habit – which I’ve been insisting I’m trying to do for several years, now – I’m drinking as much Diet Coke as ever. I’ve also had a devil of a time dropping pounds, despite increasing my workout time, adding weight lifting, etc. All other stuff being accounted for (including, yes, food), the one unhinged factor has been Diet Coke. And, yes, I know how terrible it is for me: I know all about the increased stroke risk, the risk of metabolic syndrome (I might be there), the fact that the ingredients leach calcium from my bones… all of that. But reading that people who drink at least two sodas a day (which is, for me, a laughably light day) “were found to have a 500 percent greater increase in waist circumference” is – shall we say – sobering. Feel free to shame me if you see me with a Diet Coke in my hand.

>> In the upcoming season of his Chasing Life podcast, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is going to focus on aging, and how to do it well. “…we’re going to unpack what the passage of time means physically, emotionally and mentally – and how we can become the best versions of ourselves at any age. You’ll hear why friendships are vital at any stage in life and learn about the latest research on living longer and healthier, as well as what the science says about different methods of ‘biohacking.’”’ We’ll also talk about the unique struggles women face as they get older – specifically all the pressure to keep up a youthful appearance – with actor, filmmaker and author Justine Bateman, who has made a conscious decision to age naturally.” (I posted a little rant about the “anti-aging” movement a couple years ago. You can read it here.)

>> It’s not enough that we have to worry about breathing it in, drinking it, or digesting it… Now studies are finding unsafe levels of BPA (Bisphenol A) in our workout wear. “…BPA can be absorbed through skin and end up in the bloodstream after handling receipt paper for seconds or a few minutes at a time. Sports bras and athletic shirts are worn for hours at a time, and you are meant to sweat in them, so it is concerning to be finding such high levels of BPA in our clothing…” – excerpted from this article at CNN Business. (BPA has been linked to cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and more.)

<< This recipe from Healthy Vegan Mama was so easy and tasty and healthy! We added marinated tofu cubes for an extra protein blast.

Lastly, if you are thinking of buying some new running shoes or socks, consider using my Road Runner link. I think I earn a fraction of a point that can be accumulated for MY shoe purchases. 🙂

That’s all for now!

2 thoughts on “Another random act of blogging…

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  1. I read your section on Diet Coke to DJC and she wondered out loud if your Diet Coke addiction is actually a caffeine addiction. I know you don”t like coffee but did you know that two diet cokes are the equivalent in caffeine of one 8-ounce cup of coffee? Most Americans are addicted to caffeine–it helps mental acuity and keeps us going in our go-go-go society. If it’s caffeine you’re actually craving–both black tea and green tea have caffeine and are rich in protective antioxidants — plus other health benefits. If you like your caffeine cold, there are plenty of cold bottled green and black teas. Some contain honey or sugar, but I believe that is off-set by the health benefits of tea. If you crave carbonation and want to wean yourself away from your caffeine intake, there are numerous sparkling waters (hey, no sugar or honey in these). If it’s the taste of Diet Coke you love–I’m out of suggestions. But I hope, hope, hope you’ll consider these alternatives. You’ll give yourself a chance to live longer, healthier, with a lot more Forte.


    1. I have periodically swapped in things like black tea, green tea, carbonated lightly flavored water… I even quit altogether for two years! I’ll figure it out again.


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